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Here's what I took away from my data...
The data that I collected shows that the students at Brooklyn Collabrative Studies have very diverse opinions on the reasons that teacher give homework out in schools. The data shows that only one person said the answer is 1. four people said that the answer would be 2. six people said that the answer would be 3. zero peole picke answer 4. Three people picked answer 5 and one person picked answer 6. Its seems that the most popular answer amoung students is answer 3; Teahers give homework to keep students occupied outside of school. For the teacher survey the same questions were asked. All of the teache besides one gave the same answer; Teachers give homework so that students can improve in academics. The one Teacher that gave a different answer doesnt give out homework so they chose other as an answer. This data illustrates that students and teachers have very differnt opinions on the importance of homework.